The average house price on HORTONWOOD 33 is £664,657
The most expensive house in the street is ROWAN HOUSE HORTONWOOD 33 with an estimated value of £1,151,162
The cheapest house in the street is UNIT 31 HORTONWOOD 33 with an estimated value of £284,009
The house which was most recently sold was ROWAN HOUSE HORTONWOOD 33, this sold on 8 Jan 2019 for £925,000
The postcode for HORTONWOOD 33 is TF1 7EX
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
ROWAN HOUSE HORTONWOOD 33 £1,151,162 £925,000 8 Jan 2019
UNIT 29-30 HORTONWOOD 33 £558,800 £440,000 3 Nov 2017
UNIT 31 HORTONWOOD 33 £284,009 £215,000 7 Dec 2016