The average house price on CHESTNUT CLOSE is £187,121
The most expensive house in the street is 5 CHESTNUT CLOSE with an estimated value of £220,423
The cheapest house in the street is 1 CHESTNUT CLOSE with an estimated value of £165,909
The house which was most recently sold was 4 CHESTNUT CLOSE, this sold on 5 May 2023 for £150,000
The postcode for CHESTNUT CLOSE is HD4 6YL
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 CHESTNUT CLOSE Terraced £165,909 £88,000 11 Feb 2005
2 CHESTNUT CLOSE Semi-Detached £196,322 £117,000 28 Jun 2013
4 CHESTNUT CLOSE Terraced £150,000 5 May 2023
5 CHESTNUT CLOSE Terraced £220,423 £41,000 3 Jan 1997
7 CHESTNUT CLOSE Terraced £175,953 £95,000 29 Jul 2005
10 CHESTNUT CLOSE Terraced £177,002 £97,500 19 Dec 2005