The average house price on ST HILDAS CRESCENT is £319,596
The most expensive house in the street is 8 ST HILDAS CRESCENT with an estimated value of £395,673
The cheapest house in the street is 2 ST HILDAS CRESCENT with an estimated value of £188,814
The house which was most recently sold was 5 ST HILDAS CRESCENT, this sold on 14 Jul 2023 for £255,000
The postcode for ST HILDAS CRESCENT is YO17 8PJ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 ST HILDAS CRESCENT Semi-Detached £188,814 £155,000 27 Jul 2020
5 ST HILDAS CRESCENT Semi-Detached £255,000 14 Jul 2023
6 ST HILDAS CRESCENT Semi-Detached £328,399 £59,950 29 Nov 1996
7 ST HILDAS CRESCENT Semi-Detached £315,699 £202,000 23 Nov 2007
8 ST HILDAS CRESCENT Detached £395,673 £295,000 9 Aug 2016
9 ST HILDAS CRESCENT Detached £369,396 £361,500 24 Jun 2022