
Nearest Sales Listed

DateCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidAddress
8 Mar 2024 £302,142 £297,500 12 ASHLEY CLOSE
20 Oct 2023 £271,159 £265,000 23 THE OLD BATCH
6 Sep 2023 £357,889 £350,000 35 ASHLEY CLOSE
7 Mar 2023 £376,284 £370,000 10 CHURCHES
11 Feb 2022 £279,961 £265,000 36A CHURCHES
9 Dec 2021 £339,982 £315,000 40 ASHLEY CLOSE
29 Jun 2021 £583,668 £540,000 9 THE OLD BATCH
1 May 2020 £1,478,682 £1,200,000 34 ASHLEY ROAD
3 Apr 2020 £281,341 £227,500 36 CHURCHES
13 Mar 2020 £351,872 £290,000 2 CHURCHES
24 Jan 2020 £829,401 £675,000 47 THE OLD BATCH
30 Sep 2019 £432,616 £350,000 12 CHURCHES
2 Sep 2019 £401,715 £325,000 38 THE OLD BATCH
10 May 2019 £292,643 £235,000 15 ASHLEY CLOSE
5 Apr 2019 £355,063 £285,000 28 MAGNON ROAD
18 Jan 2019 £317,347 £255,000 25 ASHLEY CLOSE
4 Jan 2019 £385,795 £310,000 8 ASHLEY CLOSE
19 Sep 2018 £478,943 £385,000 44 THE OLD BATCH
16 Aug 2018 £441,105 £354,000 20 ASHLEY ROAD
13 Jul 2018 £280,896 £225,000 27 ASHLEY ROAD