This estimated value is based upon the latest sale price for the house of £430,000 on 28 May 2021. This value is then adjusted by the current Official House Price Index for GREATER MANCHESTER 1
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Price Paid | Date |
£430,000 | 28 May 2021 |
£260,000 | 26 Mar 2014 |
Detached |
Leasehold |
Floor Area: 149 sq meters or 1,603 sq feet |
This model uses changes in the Official Land Registry House Price Index for GREATER MANCHESTER to estimate the market value.
When this house was purchased in May 2021 the House Price Index for GREATER MANCHESTER was 131.5.
The House Price Index as of 1 Nov 2024 is 150.0 which is a change of 14.068%.Applying this 14.068% change to the original purchase price of £430,000 results in an estimated price of approximately £490,494.
28 May 2021 | 1 Nov 2024 | % change | Purchase Price | Gain / Loss | Estimated Price |
131.5 | 150.0 | 14.068 % | £430,000 | £60,494 | £490,494 |
The Postcode Pricing Model uses changes in average sales price within the BL5 postcode to calculate an estimated price.
The average sales price when the house was purchased is compared with the current average sales price.
This change is then applied to the initial purchase price to derive the current estimated price.
Three different estimates are shown, with averages drawn from 1 month, 3 month and 6 month timeframes.
The longer timeframes give less volatile estimates, but are not so timely.
More information on this model and the calculations
Change % | Change £ | Estimated Price | |
1 Month Average | -33.933 % | £-145,913 | £284,086 |
3 Month Average | 10.292 % | £44,256 | £474,256 |
6 Month Average | 27.961 % | £120,231 | £550,231 |
This house has a floor area of 149 sq meters or 1,603 sq feet when measured on 12 Sep 2013.
The average size of a house on RUTHERFORD DRIVE is 92 sq meters (997 sq feet).